cervical cancer

"For someone like me, those months were really quite crucial," says one cervical cancer survivor.
As well as coming to terms with having cancer, I had to contend with how I was going to tell people I had cancer because of a virus I got through sex, writes Kristen.
Could at-home swab tests pave the way for better uptake in cervical screening?
Watching Sinead Tinker die at just 25 will be raw and difficult for me – but that’s exactly why we should all watch, writes Emily Doyle.
The reality star urged other women to take up their appointments: "I can't stress how important it is and it really isn't bad."
Many women have a “dangerous” misunderstanding about HPV, which is responsible for almost all cases of cervical cancer, according to a recent study.
Jade was unaware she was being filmed on Indian Big Brother when she received the tragic news of her cervical cancer diagnosis.
Ahead of the final instalment of the Channel 4 documentary, a charity is urging viewers not to shame women who are nervous about cervical screening.
In a survey, just 1% said their GP surgery provides a hoist, yet 23% said they need one to get onto the examination bed.
12-13-year old boys in the UK will be given the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for the first time this September in a bid to wipe out cervical cancer. HPV is a common cause of several cancers. It is believed the vaccine, which until now has only been given to girls, will mean thousands of cases of other cancers will also be prevented.