Employment and Career

It's become a tidy way of legitimising the exclusion of women from certain career-enhancing opportunities, journalist Josie Cox writes.
There's one month left in the decade. Don't worry about what you have and haven't accomplished.
Take action this equal pay day with these five workable steps towards pay parity.
Hiring managers then use these assumptions to assess a person’s ability to do the job, the study found.
Around 1,800 jobs are being axed at insurance giant Aviva over the next three years as part of an overhaul to save £300 million a year. The group said savings will also be made across central costs, contractor and consultant spend, reduction in project spend and in other areas. It comes as part of a revamp of the group by new chief executive Maurice Tulloch, who took on the top job in March.
Our failure to tackle this issue is primal and based on ideas of what men and women are worth according to centuries-old stereotypes designed to limit all of our choices.
Labour will guarantee new rights for all workers to have flexibility over their own working hours from day one of employment
The current neglect of work experience isn’t just damaging from an economic perspective but detrimental in terms of equality