
Italy's Piacenza Hospital is dedicated to returning personal items from deceased Covid patients to their relatives – no matter how logistically or emotionally difficult it may be.
Sorry, but why is Cornwall more expensive than Corfu?
The Italian high jumper leapt into his Qatari rival's arms when they decided to split the title.
"With all the fashion designers in Italy you’d think their #Olympics outfit will come harder than this," one Twitter user joked.
Italy’s Covid-19 restrictions mean most England fans will struggle to get to the showdown with Ukraine.
One Italian official boasted the discovery will be the “talk of the world.”
Rising case numbers, fresh lockdowns and an embarrassing vaccine spat with Australia are warnings that Brits shouldn’t pack their bags just yet.
Australia's finance minister said it was "unsurprising that some countries would tear up the rule book".
Erosion along the coastline caused a landslide that utterly destroyed this seaside cemetery in northern Italy.
Gianpaolo Carciola's collection of 500 rocks is set to grow, thanks to Etna's latest eruption.