LGBT community

The Queen of Pop said she was ordered to pay up after comments she made at a 2012 concert in St. Petersburg, but she opted not to do so.
The YouGov poll showed 57% of women surveyed agreed that trans people should be able to self-identify as their chosen gender.
Max Marchewicz was openly queer from a young age but after developing a chronic pain condition in their twenties began feeling excluded from queer spaces and being "left out of the conversation". So the activist started an instagram account called Cripple Queers for people like them to have a sense of community and raise awareness.
The teacher at the centre of the Parkfield Community School row reveals how the local community healed – and his curriculum became more popular than ever.
Many Pride events have been cancelled this year due to coronavirus, but that hasn’t stopped the spirit of the movement being felt by members of the LGBTQ community. For many of them, Pride is more than just a holiday in the calendar – it is a way of living every day in the pursuit of equal rights. Here we speak to LGBTQ people from around the world to find out what Pride means to them and why it remains so important.
Drag Syndrome are a collective of LGBTQ+ drag kings and queens with Down’s Syndrome. In a time where conversations about disability and representation in the queer community are being had the group of performers have become icons. In this video Drag Syndrome artists Justin Bond and Nikita Gold talk about being the representation that the queer disabled community needs and also what it’s like to find success and fans in the UK and around the world.
The Years & Years frontman and queer rights activist tells HuffPost UK how the coronavirus crisis has led to joyous friendship discoveries and a better understanding of his own creativity.
Owners face huge bills despite no money coming in, and staff have months of uncertainty ahead. Closures would devastate the community – permanently.
The annual event celebrates the campaigners and allies who have made a positive impact on the LGBTQ community in the last year.
For the LGBTQ community – many who face homophobia, rejection or estrangement – their "chosen family" couldn't be more important at this time of year.