
Scientists at Imperial College London believe most Covid cases could be detected if these signs were considered.
The professor leading the UK's Covid Symptom Study app is seeing "increasing numbers of Covid tongues and strange mouth ulcers".
The most common symptoms six months after being discharged from hospital were fatigue or muscle weakness.
Symptoms of Covid-19 in kids are similar to adults – but here's when you need to seek medical help.
Nearly 11,000 people in the UK could be living with undiagnosed breast cancer due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a charity has warned.
More than half of GPs are concerned that fewer older adults are contacting them with symptoms compared to before the pandemic.
When should you book a coronavirus test for your child – and how do you do it?
Scientists say it is a "highly reliable virus indicator".
Some assume that sniffing and sneezing is probably just a cold – but how accurate is it?
Five key symptoms stand out on the UK’s Covid Symptom Study app. Professor Tim Spector, of King's College London, reveals what they are.