Nick Griffin Declared Morally Bankrupt

Nick Griffin Declared Morally Bankrupt

British National Party leader Nick Griffin MEP has been declared morally bankrupt.

Rumours had been swirling since 1974, when, at the age of 14, Griffin read 'Mein Kampf' and joined the National Front.

Mr Griffin tweeted: "Being morally bankrupt does NOT prevent me being or standing as an MEP, joining Ukip or even the Tory party. A good day for racists!"

He added: "Party morals are not affected in any way. Our campaign in May will be our most morally lacking yet."

Nick Griffin's moral bankruptcy: A timeline

  • 1974 - Joins the National Front
  • 1980 - Becomes a member of its governing body
  • 1993 - Joins the British National Party
  • 1998 - Is convicted of 'publishing or distributing racially inflammatory written material'
  • 1999 - Becomes head of the British National Party
  • 2004 - Is arrested on suspicion of incitement to racial hatred
  • 2010 - Accepts an invitation to Buckingham Palace

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