Anger At MPs Rises By 11%

Anger At MPs Rises By 11%
The Debating Chamber during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, London.
The Debating Chamber during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, London.
PA/PA Archive

Despite calls for restraint by all party leaders, public anger at MPs is set to rise by 11%.

A Conservative source said that the Prime Minister has consistently believed that "levels of discontentment should be going down, not up" - while a source from the Labour party said: "We will obviously wait to see what the final level of fury is".

Levels of public anger against MPs have grown sharply over recent years - rising from unhappiness in 2010 to disillusionment in 2011, anger in 2012 and blind fury in 2013.

Treasury minister Danny Alexander called the 11% rise "wholly inappropriate. MPs work incredibly hard. What is there to be angry about?"


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