Another day, another saucy American Apparel advert.
The company has made a name for itself with its overtly sexual ads and in the past has seen its knuckles rapped by the Advertising Standards Authority, so this should barely raise an eyebrow.
But there is something a little different about this one – a sense American Apparel is attempting to expand its social conscience (though its not quite ready to stop pedalling boobs and buttocks).

It features 22-year-old Maks, a merchandiser for the retailer (which has long marketed itself as a home-grown business with fair labour practices), who was born in Dhaka and moved to California at the age of 4.
Printed across her breasts are the words “Made in Bangladesh”.
Blurb across the bottom points out she is wearing the High Waist Jean, “a garment manufactured by 23 skilled American workers in Downtown Los Angeles, all of whom are paid a fair wage and have access to basic benefits such as healthcare.”
It adds Maks was born into a conservative Muslim family and sustained her Islamic faith throughout her childhood.
“Upon entering high school, Maks began to feel the need to forge her own identity and ultimately distanced herself from Islamic traditions.”
“A woman continuously in search of new creative outlets, Maks unreservedly embraced this photo shoot.”
Maks, it adds: “Doesn't feel the need to identify herself as an American or a Bengali and is not content to fit her life into anyone else's conventional narrative.”
HuffPost UK has sought comment from American Apparel, but a spokesman informs us there will be none. He did however point to this previous interview CEO Dov Charney did with Huffington Post last year.
Speaking after the deadly collapse of a clothing factory in Bangladesh, Charney said: “I think man has evolved and we’re moving away from slavery.
“This situation of manufacturing clothing and paying wages that won’t even buy you an iPhone after a year is not going to work.
“Start making clothing in a human way.”
Predictably, accusations of exploitation are being fired as are suggestions the ad is, as Elle blogger Tanwi Nandini Islam writes, “a jab on Bangladesh’s garment sector.”
She adds: "This ad has little to do with the woman in front of us, and everything to do with the Bangladeshi female garment worker who remains invisible.
"This is what American Apparel looks like. This is what our fantasy of what Made in Bangladesh looks like. Not a poor, underpaid, overworked young woman making you a $5 shirt for 30 cents an hour."
Maks, for the record, tells the Daily Mail: “I was fully comfortable with the photo shoot and went with it.
“We should all be able to freely express ourselves no matter where we come from.
“I fully support the message of the ad. I love and embrace all cultures and religions. I am choosing to be creative and express myself freely.”