#Glasgow2014: The Funniest Tweets About The Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony

The Funniest Tweets About The Opening Ceremony Of #Glasgow2014
Richard Heathcote via Getty Images

The opening ceremony of the 2014 Commonwealth Games had it all. Giant Tunnock's tea cakes. Small Scottish terriers. John Barrowman being carried aloft over a field of heather. And James McAvoy in a kilt.

All in all, we think this tweet summed it up best:

Or as someone else put it:

Yes, Glasgow's opening ceremony was bonkers and brilliant - so let us guide you through it, via the medium of Twitter funnies...

First up: John Barrowman (he's from Glasgow, you know)...

Barrowman was performing an original song about all things Scottish:

It was then time for the giant Tunnock's tea cakes. Of course.

And then Nessie showed up:

It was clearly all becoming rather camp. And gloriously bonkers...

Then it got all tasteful with a ballet performance to a slow, hipster version of The Proclaimers' '500 Miles'....

And then it was the turn of Susan Boyle...

...who briefly forgot her words:

The Red Arrows flew overhead...

And then Her Maj appeared!

Ewan MacGregor showed up (via video) to ask us to donate money to UNICEF...

And then? Then, it was the parade of competing nations...

...led by THE MOST ADORABLE OPENING CEREMONY ANIMALS EVER. Release the Scottish terriers!

Of course, it was getting quite late by this point...

But the ceremony music was infectious...

The parade of countries continued...

And once that was over, the most Scottish man ever appeared:

Still, the Prime Minister was happy...

But then it was time for some proper eye candy. Release the dishy men in kilts!

There was even a message from the International Space Station. Which confused some...

Then it was time for the arrival of the Commonwealth flag...

Nicola Benedetti played the violin...

And then the baton arrived!

And it proved a bit tricky to open!

The Queen then read out the message retrieved from inside the baton...

And that was, pretty much, that. Apart from the partying in the streets of Glasgow afterwards...

...and a few notable absences:

Still, we'll always have the giant Tunnock's teacakes...


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