'Star Wars' 7 Trailer Unveiled: Funniest Twitter Reactions To 'Episode VII: The Force Awakens' Preview Clip

Funniest Reactions To 'Star Wars 7' Trailer

The first trailer for ‘Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens’ has been released online, which shouldn’t be news to you if you’ve been on social media lately.


In fact, it appears to be all anyone on Twitter has anything to say about, whether they’re excited for the forthcoming release, or wishing that producers had left well alone and not bothered with the upcoming rebooted trilogy.

Unsurprisingly, the trailer, which debuted online on Thursday, has got a lot of people excited about the new ‘Star Wars’ film - in fact, perhaps a little too much so, judging by these tweets.

Of course, this being Twitter, not everybody was as enthused, and it would appear there are a lot of people who will be avoiding the cinemas altogether come December 2015.

The trailer introduces us to John Boyega, one of the franchise’s new cast members who has a huge role in the new film, yet it seems that a lot of people are more excited about the inclusion of a new robot character, rather than the boring old humans.

But while ‘Star Wars’ fans flocked online to watch the newly-unveiled trailer (click above to watch), many were disappointed to learn that, due to a Quicktime issue, they were unable to view it (which, needless to say, got a lot of people’s goat, to say the least).

‘Star Wars Episode VII’ is due to hit cinemas around the world on 18 December, 2015.

In addition to the new cast members, which includes ‘Girls’ actor Adam Driver and Oscar-winner Lupita Nyong'o, it will also feature stars from the original three films reprising their iconic roles, such as Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill.

‘The Force Awakens’ will mark the first ‘Star Wars’ film since ‘Revenge of the Sith’ in 2005, which starred Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman. Two more films are slated to follow it, in the next few years.


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