Nike's Better For It Campaign Proves That Even Those With An 'I Can't' Attitude, Can

Nike's 'I Can't' Ad Campaign Has Given Us A Major Dose Of Fitspiration

Hate sport? Read on.

For women who believe they really can't stomach exercise, Nike has released a motivational "Better For It" campaign showing a refreshing (and far more realistic) side to fitness.

We never thought the words "I can't" could be so motivational.

The advert shows women exercising - not super women who run marathons or play squash for hours on end - just regular women who get out of breath and who would rather sit curled up under a duvet watching Netflix.

Following in the footsteps of the successful 'This Girl Can' campaign, Nike's advert calls on women everywhere to not let themselves, and their inner thoughts, stop themselves from achieving.

Statistics released earlier this year by Public Health England showed that the number of women achieving recommended levels of physical activity was far lower than men - 31% of females engage in sport once a week compared to 40.1% of men.

They also found that three quarters of women wanted to be more active, but fear of judgement was putting them off.

And it seems that Nike has taken the research on board for their new campaign.

The short film shows a handful of women working out - and looking less than impressed about doing so - while their thoughts are played out loud.

"No shame in running half a half marathon," one worn out runner thinks to herself.

While the other, who wobbles slightly while trying to hold a yoga position, says: "Okay yoga, change my life."

"Why are there so many mirrors?" another woman thinks to herself as athletic-types snap selfies of themselves in the gym.

"Don't mind me over here with my little baby weights and baby arms."

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As they find some inner strength to carry on, the women's thoughts become increasingly negative, with some even saying "ugh" and "I can't".

But despite their lack of positivity, their bodies push through to a particularly uplifting finale.

This April we're running a Fitspiration campaign, where we're championing fitness as a positive addition to life rather than always being about weight loss. From inspirational interviews to easy-to-follow exercise tips, we hope to inspire everyone to get out there and have fun. Trust us, your body will thank you for it. If you'd like to contribute email or tag us on social media using the hashtag #HPFitness
