General Election Front Pages Show Hysteria Continues Even On Election Day

The Press Hysteria Continues On Election Day

Election day is upon us and, predictably, so are a number of hysterical front pages.

The Mirror’s offer of a removal van for the Tories, alongside the headline “Send ‘em packing” has already caused ructions online.

The ‘Mirror Removals’ service are apparently “specialists in getting people out QUICKLY”, claiming to be “fully-insured for broken promises” and “experts in moving goalposts”.

The paper’s former editor Piers Morgan became embroiled in a spat with writer Peter Jukes - author of The Fall of the House of Murdoch - which eventually descended into Jukes likening the British press to the Stasi.

He told Morgan: “The British press is only vibrant and diverse in the same way the Stasi was vibrant and diverse @piersmorgan self serving propaganda.”

Morgan retorted: “Oh Peter, see this is where you just sound very silly.”

Other Twitter users were also unimpressed by the splash.

User @missellabell tweeted: “Oh, for god's sake, I'm crying at the Daily Mirror front page. I just want to live in a FAIR DECENT COUNTRY, why is that so HARD.”

The Telegraph also went in all guns blazing with the ominous warning: “Don’t do something you’ll regret.”

The paper insisted that a protest vote for Ukip would result in a Labour government propped up by the SNP.

Meanwhile, the Times chose to cover a change of mood in Buckingham Palace with the somewhat sensational headline “Queen to take control of election aftermath”.

Don’t panic, we’re not going back to being ruled by the monarch - this is about the fact that Her Majesty will deliver the Queen’s Speech no matter what the election outcome.

We also can’t help but feel there was a bit of a dig in their lead picture as well, which featured a fox running the door of No 10 alongside the caption: “Sly, cunning and searching for scraps.”

Author Bonnie Greer was less than impressed, tweeting: “Save these front pages! This from @theTimes- complete with a fox walking past No.10!! Utter, sheer #hysteria.”

Despite dedicating their front page lead to the headline “Gagging of mother forced to hand baby to gay dad”, they still managed to squeeze some Labour-bashing in.

They urged readers: “With one in four still undecided, make sure you use our tactical voting guide to keep Red Ed out.”

The Sun can always be counted on for some sort of pun and today was no exception, with the headline “Well hung” plus someone holding two balls (not those sort) labelled with their predictions for the Tories and Labour.

Their poll showed a predicted 34% for each party - plus the strapline “Make sure YOU vote today to stop Labour ballsing up Britain”.

Yesterday the Media Standards Trust revealed that that 95% of the leader columns in the Sun were anti-Labour in the run-up to the Election.

According to the Guardian, the report said that Rupert Murdoch’s paper had torn into Ed Miliband even more than Neil Kinnock back in 1992.

The Daily Express refuses to let go of the Ukip bone, with a headline urging its readers to “Vote to keep Britain great”.

It added: “Labour and SNP would be absolutely disastrous for us all.”

BBC presenter Andrew Neil said that yesterday’s front pages showed the British media at its “partisan worst”.

He won’t be happy with this latest batch then.


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