Katie Hopkins Alludes To Mensch #Milifandom Row With Cryptic 'Bullying' Tweet

Katie Hopkins Moves Into The Mensch #Milifandom Row With Cryptic 'Bullying' Tweet

It would appear professional provocateur Katie Hopkins has thrown her weight behind Louise Mensch in the #Milifandom bullying row.

Mensch, a columnist for The Sun, had alluded to a blog she was researching, but says she has temporarily shelved the project given the teenager she so vehemently credits with launching the term is studying for exams.(NB so is Tomlinson).

Katie Hopkins has cryptically alluded to the #Milifandom row

The former Conservative MP defended herself from online accusations of bullying by stating: “I think you people need a new dictionary, one in which ‘criticising’ and ‘bullying’ are not listed as ‘synonyms’.

Now fellow Sun columnist Katie Hopkins has alluded to the row by tweeting: “These days criticism is used interchangeably with the word bullying. If you can’t handle criticism add a splash of victim and voila, bullied.”

Louise Mensch has been accused of bullying student Abby Tomlinson (below)

While Hopkins, who is generally branded a bully, a bigot and a general disgrace on a daily basis, did not name either Mensch or Tomlinson, the inference was read as so.

Within hours the tweet had been favourited and retweeted hundreds of times. But while some of her legion followers applauded her for what was admittedly a hugely restrained missive by her standards, some were less effusive.

Marvin Dorbney tweeted: “The kid is a kid. Is there an age where persistent bullying is actually, y’know… wrong?”

“Kid. Doing her exams. Beaten up by a failed politician. Looks … bad.”

Meanwhile comparisons between Mensch and Hopkins are coming thick and fast on Twitter – and not many are kind.

It’s not known if the women know each other, though back in January last year Hopkins generously tweeted: “Mensch has a heart – an Achilles heel. I have none.”

A spokesman for The Sun told Huffington Post UK: "The Sun is neither responsible for, nor going to comment on, what our columnists write on social media."


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