Cilla Black Dead: Katie Hopkins Accuses Celebrities' Twitter Tributes Of Being Insincere... And Lord Sugar Is Not Happy

Lord Sugar Blasts Katie Hopkins Over Controversial Cilla Remarks

In news which should come across as a shock to precisely no one, Katie Hopkins had something to say on Twitter about the sad death of Cilla Black, and people are not happy about it.


On Sunday afternoon, Spanish police confirmed that Cilla had died, at the age of 72, with those who had worked with or been inspired by the entertainment legend posting their own tributes on Twitter.

The incomparable Cilla Black

However, true to form, Katie had something to say about the host of celebrities paying their respects, accusing them of being insincere, or using her death for attention.

Katie Hopkins

Using the hashtag “#RushToGush”, the 'Celebrity Big Brother' runner-up wrote: “If there are any celebrities who haven't yet tweeted their sadness over Cilla, please report to Sincerity Services immediately.”

Unsurprisingly, given the sad mood on the Twittersphere at the time, people were not impressed with Katie’s comments, with many accusing her of disrespecting Cilla’s memory, to which she replied: “I understand people love Cilla. But the race to proclaim this on Twitter is a curious thing.”

Lord Sugar

Among the backlash, Lord Alan Sugar - who appears on ‘The Apprentice’, the show which first put Katie in the public eye - blasted her remarks, tweeting: “Why don’t you shut up… idiot.”

Katie made similar comments around the death of Peaches Geldof last year, when many Twitter users noticed that she hadn’t made any reference to her death on social media, despite the fact they had both appeared together in an infamous ‘This Morning’ debate about parenting.

Among the celebrities paying tribute to Cilla was her close friend Paul O’Grady, who compared her to being “like a sister”, admitting he was still struggling to believe the sad news.


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