Cilla Black Funeral: Star's Spokesman Urges Fans To ‘Come Out And Remember Her'

Cilla's Spokesman Urges Fans To Line Streets For Funeral

Cilla Black’s spokesman Nick Fiveash has revealed further details about the star’s funeral, which will be held on Thursday, 20 August.

The funeral will take place at St Mary’s Church in Woolton, followed by a private ceremony at Allerton Cemetery.

Cilla Black

Nick has now explained that Cilla’s sons Robert, Ben and Jack are planning the funeral details, adding that he hopes the star’s fans will take the chance to say goodbye.

The Mirror quotes Nick as stating: “The boys had a meeting at the church and will now have further meetings with officials regarding the logistics of everything.

“It is a Catholic church so it will be a proper mass and service. One would hope people would want to come out and remember her. We will encourage people to do that.”

The paper adds that speakers and TV screens may even be placed outside the church, so that fans gathered on the streets can hear the service.

Thousands of fans paid tribute to Cilla following her death earlier this month, along with many of her famous friends.

Cliff Richard penned an emotional tribute, writing: “She often came to stay with me in Portugal and it didn’t matter who was there as they were always enthralled with her.

“Her passing away is a particular shock because despite the aches and pains we all suffer, she was always so upbeat.”

Cilla will be buried next to her parents, John and Priscilla White.


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