Picture Of Dead Baby Refugee Found On Libyan Beach Is Latest Tragedy Of Migration Crisis

The Body Of A Dead Baby Refugee Just Washed Ashore In Libya (DISTRESSING PICTURE)

This article contains an image some people may find upsetting.

The bodies of six people, including a baby, have been washed ashore in Libya in the latest tragedy of the migration crisis.

The identities and nationalities of the bodies have not been confirmed but the area is the main launching point for refugees fleeing Africa and the Middle East.

Of the estimated 600,000 refugees who have made the perilous trip across the Mediterranean this year, it is thought up to 3,000 have perished.

The body was found off the shore of Gasr Garabulli, in the eastern city of Tripoli

The harrowing pictures are reminiscent of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi whose body washed ashore on a beach in Turkey last month.

The picture galvanised public grief in response to the escalating crisis.

Rescue workers carry one of the adult bodies away from the beach

Many artists created a series of haunting illustrations to promote the human toll of the disaster.

Cartoons have been shared using a Turkish hashtag

Of the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing to Europe, 19,196 have claimed asylum in the UK from January through to July.

The chart above shows the the origin countries of the 19,196 people who claimed asylum in the UK from January to July of 2015.


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