Guy Fawkes Mask: DIY Steps On How To Make One At Home

Here's How To Make An Anonymous Guy Fawkes Mask In Your Own Home

As thousands gather to celebrate Bonfire Night and the legacy of Guy Fawkes, many do so wearing an anonymous 'V for Vendetta' mask. The symbol will also be worn by protesters all over the world tonight, for the Million Mask March.

The face-coverings, usually made from paper-mache or plastic - can also be printed off at home and worn in paper form. A site is even dedicated to the promotion of easy access to the design, below a printable design from which can be worn.

The easiest way to build the iconic mask is to print one off, cut around the bold edges and then attach it to your head using string. However, as the video tutorial above explains, it can also be laminated to protect it from wear and tear.

Thursday's march, organised by hacktivist collective Anonymous, is a yearly event that sees crowds descend on major city centres, many clad in the famed 'V for Vendetta' mask associated with their movement's figurehead, Guy Fawkes.

The protest has previously sparked violent scuffles between protesters and police, and 2015's march is tipped to be the biggest yet - with up to 20,000 people anticipated to flood central London, and hundreds of thousands more in other capitals across the world.

"We have seen the abuses and malpractice of this government, and governments before it, we have seen the encroaching destruction of many civil liberties we hold dear," they wrote.

"We have seen the pushes to make the internet yet another part of the surveillance state, we have seen the government's disregard for migrants, for the poor, the elderly and the handicapped.

"We have seen the capital, profit and greed of the few put before the well-being of the many and we say enough is enough."

British graphic novel artist David Lloyd, the man who created the original image of the mask for a comic strip written by Alan Moore, is happy about the usage of his artwork, he told BBC: "The Guy Fawkes mask has now become a common brand and a convenient placard to use in protest against tyranny — and I'm happy with people using it, it seems quite unique, an icon of popular culture being used this way,"

"My feeling is the Anonymous group needed an all-purpose image to hide their identity and also symbolize that they stand for individualism — V for Vendetta is a story about one person against the system."


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