Jeremy Corbyn Stayed Behind After Remembrance Sunday At The Cenotaph To Hang Out With Veterans

Jeremy Corbyn Stayed Behind At The Cenotaph To Hang Out With Veterans

Jeremy Corbyn stayed behind at the Cenotaph on Sunday long after the television cameras had gone to mingle with veterans.

The Labour leader applauded a march-past and even played the role of photographer.

Some claimed he had skipped a VIP lunch to be there although this turned out to be a simple reception rather than a formal sit-down affair.

I'm no fan of Corbyn, but I was at HG 2day, and when no other Politician was seen, he quietly watched ALL return!

— John James (@_johnjames) November 8, 2015

Corbyn had earlier drawn much criticism over whether or not he had bowed while laying a wreath during the Remembrance Sunday service.

Only he did...

It may have been a small head bow but it was definitely there.

The wreath Corbyn laid

According to The Telegraph, Sir Gerald Howarth, a former Conservative defence minister, said Corbyn was an "embarrassment" and that remembering Britain’s war dead "requires complete commitment".

At the other end of the scale, David Cameron's bow was so low it caught the cameraman unprepared.

Corbyn also had to hit back at comments from Britain’s most senior armed forces chief after he warned that the Labour leader's refusal to use nuclear weapons would be a ‘worry’ if he became Prime Minister.

Chief of Defence Staff Sir Nick Houghton sparked a huge row as he laid bare his fear that Mr Corbyn could undermine the UK’s Trident nuclear deterrent.

Asked by the BBC’s Andrew Marr for a response to Mr Corbyn’s vow never to press the nuclear button, General Houghton replied: “It would worry me if that thought was translated into power, as it were.”

But Mr Corbyn declared that the military chief had overstepped the mark and had breached long-standing constitutional principles of the separation between the armed forces and politicians.

"It is a matter of serious concern that the chief of the defence staff has today intervened directly in issues of political dispute. It is essential in a democracy that the military remains political neutral at all times," Mr Corbyn said.

"By publicly taking sides in current political arguments, Sir Nicholas Houghton has clearly breached that constitutional principle. Accordingly, I am writing to the defence secretary to ask him to take action to ensure that the neutrality of the armed forces is upheld."


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