A story about Seb Corbyn using dating app Tinder has sparked a heated privacy debate between journalists, with Owen Jones raging that he can't "deal with this level of idiocy".
The Sunday Times published a story headlined 'Cor! Corbyn Jr is Tinder lothario' which detailed how the 25-year-old son of the Labour leader's dating profile included a picture of him with three young females.
The standfirst read: "Like father, like son: Seb Corbyn appears to have more than just an interest in politics in common with his father, writes James Lyons."
Seb Corbyn is pictured with three young women in a picture from his Tinder profile
The story went on to compare Corbyn, who is chief of staff to the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, to his father, who the newspaper noted had been married three times and had earned the nickname 'the Sexpot Trot'.
The Times wrote that news of the Tinder picture spread quickly among amused Labour aides at Westminster. The story also spread quickly on Twitter.
Members of the public were also keen to debate the merits of the story..
But the merits of the story wasn't the only thing being rated..