15 Things I've Learnt At University

I've been at university for over a month now, and even if i was to go home tomorrow, even if i was kicked out this week, i could still say that i've learnt more in this short amount of time than i have in years. So why not share some of my knowledge and experiences, why not collate every fuzzy drunken memory, every cringey story and share it on the wide web for everyone to see, kill me now...

I've been at university for over a month now, and even if i was to go home tomorrow, even if i was kicked out this week, i could still say that i've learnt more in this short amount of time than i have in years. So why not share some of my knowledge and experiences, why not collate every fuzzy drunken memory, every cringey story and share it on the wide web for everyone to see, kill me now...

Here are 15 things i've learnt at university:

1. Teenagers will do literally ANYTHING when under alcoholic consumption, saw a girl hit herself in the head with a croc just because her friend told her to, don't even think it was her shoe

2. Honestly everyone is in the same boat, we're all nervous and scared to make friends. Remember not to cling to the people you first meet, allow yourself the freedom of making friends at any point in your term, doesn't have to all be fit into freshers week

3. Be open minded when it comes to friends, don't stick to the same type of people you've always hung out with. There's so much to be learnt from everyone you meet, even the bad experiences teach you something

4. Despite the arguments you'd had with parents and teachers, fruit and vegetables are kind of essential. 1 month into university and my body is starting to reject pasta and noodles, make sure you eat healthily sometimes. Trust me your body will thank you for it!

5. Take chances and take part in experiences out of your comfort zone. Say yes to things, go out and experience life in ways you want to. It's tempting to lock yourself in your room, close the blinds and pretend the outside world no longer exists, but remember that it does. These awesome life experiences won't wait around forever, take chances and say yes you won't regret it, every experience is worth it

6. Some people in life just aren't nice, they'll steal your food or make mean comments about your outfit. Don't expect to like every person you meet in life, it doesn't work like that. You can be all sunshine and rainbows, nice as anything and they can still treat you badly. And it isn't your job to make these people nice. Just remember that their behaviour is a reflection on them and not you, rise above these people and surround yourself with friends that make you feel good

7. You never know what's going on inside someone's head and you never know what people have had to go through earlier on in their lives, remember to remain kind. Once the doors are closed, the confident loud people may be battling their own demons so remember to treat them with the same respect you would wish to be treated with, it's never necessary to make someone's life harder

8. Be open to new music, food, experiences. At university you just have to be. Your flatmates will blast music in the kitchen you've never heard of, they'll talk about films and tv-shows you don't know. It's important to not get sidetracked into one genre of things, one particular shade of life is never healthy. Be open minded to new things, allow yourself to be immersed in different experiences. Life is so much more fun when you stop labelling your interests and placing them into boxes. Be eclectic

9. Some people aren't going to believe what you believe, they may have not voted for the same political party as you, may not allign themselves with your beliefs. Don't rule them out as people just because you don't think the same way, allow yourself to take part in discussion with them and you may learn something

10. Learning is so much more than a classroom, and a university degree isn't just about following the syllabus. You learn from life experiences, people and places that come your way. Read around your subjects, take out books from the library that aren't on your course. Take every opportunity to learn in any way you can

11. You can make friends in so many ways, don't feel as if because you haven't made loads of friends from your course or flat, that you're suddenly failing at life. You can meet people in really weird ways, be open to making friends in any situation. Your soulmate, romantic or platonic may be waiting for you right now and you may meet them in a super unconventional way, allow yourself to explore friendships from every avenue

12. Take advice and criticism, take every opportunity to better yourself and the work you create. Listen to others when they give you advice about your work, take on board what they're saying, don't make it dictate every decision you make, but be open to their opinions

13. Chicken nuggets have always, and will always be the best drunken snack. Buy a big cheap bag of them and they will last you for ages, at 2am when you've got a hankering for something, you'll thank me

14. Not every incredible university experience is going to be shaped by alcohol and clubbing. Spontaneous movie nights, road trips and particularly wild monopoly games are fun too. Don't feel as if, just because you're not drinking, you can't have fun, some of the best memories are shaped without booze

15. Make each day count. I know it's cheesy and people say it so much it's lost all meaning, but i promise you it's important. No one else is going to be able to experience any of this for you, this is all on you. I've been told by so many people that university flys by, i don't intend on wasting my time here. Make sure you're living each day to the full, remember that this is your life, your chance.