BBC Weather In 'Cock And Balls Rain Cloud', Er, Horror

Is That A Rain Cloud, Or Is The BBC Just Pleased To See Us?

The weather is treacherous. Changeable and devious by nature, it swirls and rolls above our heads mocking our pathetic attempts to huddle below and survive its various onslaughts.

It also produces the shape of a cock-and-balls from time to time.

As noticed on Vine on Thursday afternoon, BBC Weather's raincloud detection machine was in an unusually good mood earlier when it noticed that the area around Plymouth might be expecting a downpour. Since a machine was presumably involved, this is a Tech story. Clearly.

Now, let us all acknowledge that this is a puerile piece of sub-Viz ephemera, that even drawing attention to it says something very difficult and nuanced about the modern media, and that we should all feel very ashamed. (We're sorry for this too.)

That said: