#BeautyInAllChallenge Takes Off As Teens Flaunt Flaws In Response To #DontJudgeMeChallenge

#BeautyInAllChallenge Takes Off As Teens Flaunt Their Flaws
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Teens are fighting against a perfection obsessed society by flaunting their 'flaws' online.

Using the hashtag #BeautyInAllChallenge, spots, stretch marks and scars are being revealed in retaliation against the #DontJudgeMeChallenge, which encouraged girls to draw 'ugly' features on themselves, such as unibrows and acne, before wiping them off to reveal their natural beauty.

I'm too ugly to not take advantage of this opportunity 🙈😂 #dontjudgechallangepic.twitter.com/yfOQ9nBOX0

— C Monster (@CaseyyRenea) July 6, 2015

Aiming to draw attention to real 'imperfections', the #BeautyInAllChallenge looks to empower and inspire, rather than mock and ridicule.

Yes, I have a huge, bumpy, ugly nose.

No, I don't care about what you think. #BeautyInAllChallengepic.twitter.com/bFNFFWhe66

— chia-summer hiatus (@imyourlionheart) July 8, 2015

People are enjoying the love.

The #BeautyInAllChallenge makes me so happy. Everyone is beautiful. Flaws and all.

— April ☮☯☪ (@mautrice) July 8, 2015

#BeautyInAllChallenge is the best hashtag out there. it embraces all different imperfections and shows that everyone is beautiful.

— allie loves niall (@naughtyhxran) July 7, 2015

Meanwhile, the #DontJudgeMeChallenge is being parodied all over the place.

I CANT BREATHE 😂😂#dontjudgemechallengepic.twitter.com/yfcV3vGvTa

— Scott Disick (@DisickReactions) July 8, 2015

Ah, social media. Where would we be without you?