This Google Glass Video Brings Home The Shocking Truth Of Domestic Violence

This Google Glass Video Brings Home The Shocking Truth Of Domestic Violence

It started off like any other morning; a stretch, a yawn, a coffee with a friend - but the day ends with something shocking.

Using the state-of-the-art technology to get directions, listen to some music, and look up a book she wants to read, we are led through a pretty tranquil few hours - until we're greeted by her partner in the kitchen.

The music goes off; the glasses are removed; and the young woman is punched and dragged across the floor by her boyfriend. "Despite all our progress, women still see this everyday," read the words flashed across the screen.

The shocking video which has gone viral, is stark reminder of what goes on behind closed doors and was designed by a team of London creatives to raise awareness about domestic abuse.

(AdWeek notes that Google played no part in the video.)

If you need help or want advice around domestic violence, call the 24-hour National Domestic Violence

Freephone Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or="_hplink"> visit the website.