eBay To Ban Sale Of Hexes And Spells: Before They Do, Let's Go Shopping

eBay To Ban Sale Of Hexes And Spells: Before They Do, Let's Go Shopping!

eBay has announced it will ban the sale of spells, hexes and magical items from its online auction site.

Yes - it actually used to allow it.

It seems that for years users have been taking to eBay to purchase love potions, artefacts with supposedly magical properties and spells for use in their daily lives.

But according to a post on its official blog, it will now be cracking down from September on "advice, spells, curses, hexing, conjuring, magic, prayers, blessing services, magic potions, [and] healing sessions".


eBay had previously banned the sale of "intangible" items, but potions and other magical whatnot had not yet fallen under the restrictions.

eBay's previous policy said it would not allow the sale of "things that people won't be able to use or be able to confirm whether they've received the items."

"Items where the value is placed on an intangible factor. For example, listings that offer someone's "soul" or a container that claims to have someone's "soul" are not allowed."

But all is not lost - for anyone wanting to stock up on magical objects before the ban, here are some of the items that as of press time were still on sale: