Fashion's Night Out Is Cancelled In NYC, But What About London? And Do We Care?

Fashion's Night Out Is Cancelled In NYC, But What About London? And Do We Care?

Fashion's Night Out has been cancelled stateside. What? Alas, it's true - budgets are to be re-allocated to other stylish soirees/ super-official projects masterminded by Anna WIntour and the Council of Fashion Designers of America.

Will this mean the same for the Blighty? After immersing ourselves in London Fashion Week and soaking up ALL of next season's style, will we be denied our Fashion's Night Out and if so is it really such a biggy?

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Personally, the thought of missing out on a few questionable glasses of bubbly during this chaos does not bother me. Last year it was less chic fashion do and more hoards of booze-hound students just there for the freebies. Was any of the crowd there to buy a beautiful designer handbag or learn more about what's on the high street? I don't think so.

I'm not saying Fashion's Night Out should be exclusive - fashion is for all - but actually when did it just become a free-for-all? Man, people get nasty when they're on the hunt for goody-bag and chomping at the bit to accidently-on-purpose rub shoulders with fashion types/ those celebrities who are just at everything.

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When I was there in 2012, it was survival of the fittest. It was all in store treasure hunts, Boys With Buff Bods and organised fun. Kill me, kill me now. The truth is just being there was an effort - and believe me, I love fashion.

So not to poop on a fashion party but - Fashion's Night Out organisers, if you do bow out this year, it's OK - I don't blame you.

Here's to what it's really about - tapping those fabulous trends: the clothes, the hair, the beauty. LOVE it all. Take a look below to see the five biggest trends from LFW: