Nick Truman Turned A Ford Granada Into A Pagani Zonda

Man Turns A £100 Ford Into A £1,000,000 Pagani Zonda

IT specialist Nick Truman from Buckinghamshire is rolling around in style, but he didn't pay through the roof.

He turned a bog-standard Ford Granada, which he got for £100, into a Pagani Zonda. Kind of.

The total cost of the project was £15,000, considerably less than the £1m hypercar. Which is probably why it looks more like a Lego car.

"On one day, I lost the tip of my index finger in the turbo and it came out of the exhaust."

Needless to say his wife isn't too pleased with Nick's little project.

Decked out with a £5 gearbox from eBay, the Ford Zonda isn't allowed on real roads, but Truman hopes to take it out on the Top Gear test track one day.