New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Is Pregnant: Mums Share Reassuring Advice On Being A First-Time Parent

'It may feel strange and confusing at first, but you’ve got this.'

When New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced she was pregnant, she referenced the proverb “it takes a village to raise a child”.

Sharing her news on Instagram on Friday 19 January, Arden wrote: “I’ll be Prime Minister and a mum. I think it’s fair to say that this will be a wee one that a village will raise, but we couldn’t be more excited.”

So in the spirit of mums supporting mums, we reached out to parents to see what advice they would give Ardern as she embarks on her parenting journey.

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On becoming a mum:

“Be kind to yourself and remember that everything is just a phase. The sleeping will improve, your body will heal and you will feel like yourself again,” Joeli Brearley, founder of Pregnant Then Screwed.

“Be aware what works for you now may not after you become a mum. Circumstances and feelings change. Don’t be afraid of this but accept and embrace it,” Siobhan Freegard, founder of Channel Mum.

“Don’t try to be superwoman and do it all. You have a great team around you so use them and call on them for support. Your staff will appreciate being asked to step up and your family will too,” Siobhan Freegard, founder of Channel Mum.

“Your job is simply to create an environment that is loving, encouraging, supportive and light-hearted - your child has innate wellbeing and resilience,” Michelle McHale, Attachment Parenting UK, director. 

Somewhere, there’s a parent who did everything perfectly from day 1. We’ve never met them, so if you do, let us know. In the meantime, give yourself a pat on the back: you’re looking after a tiny vulnerable human to the best of your ability,” said mums on Mumsnet.

“Stay true to your gut. We spend most of our twenties ignoring it and when you have a child listen, as it serves you well. And whilst you’re making up parenting as you go along, the gut is the only thing that is 100% reliable!” mum Lauren Marks-Clee. 

“Don’t feel guilty for doing things the easy way, it doesn’t matter if your house is a tip and you have forgotten to brush your hair. Buy a really good baby carrier, because it may save your sanity,” mum Joeli Brearley. 

“Use a dummy to help them get to sleep, I was totally against and it’s one of my biggest regrets,” mum Adele Armstrong. 

On breastfeeding (if you decide to do it):

“Get your baby checked for tongue tie if breastfeeding is painful,” mum Adele Armstrong.

“If you decide to breastfeed, arm yourself with as much knowledge before you have your baby and map out a plan B if things don’t go to plan. Often mums feel terrible at the point when they struggle with breastfeeding and can’t calmly think of a plan B as hormones and lack of sleep meddle with us,” mum Lauren Marks-Clee. 

On harnessing support:

“It’s more exhausting than you can imagine, so whenever anyone offers to help, take it,” Chelsie Jade Boyack on Facebook.

“Don’t try to be superwoman and do it all. You have a great team around you so use them and call on them for support. Your staff will appreciate being asked to step up and your family will too,” Siobhan Freegard.

“Don’t read any baby books, just trust your instinct - find some other women who are due around the same time you can become friends with, only other first-time mums want to discuss all things baby,” Adele Armstrong. 

“To try to rest whenever you can and to accept all help when it’s offered. And if it’s not offered, ask!” Lauren Scarle on Facebook. 

On returning to work:

“Try and get your baby on a bottle relatively quickly, whether you express or use formula is up to you. If you can share the night shifts with your partner that will help relieve any exhaustion,” mum Joeli Brearley. 

|You want to be back at work in six weeks and contactable all the way through maternity leave  - but look after yourself too. You can never get back those early days with a baby and dragging your lactating, still-bleeding body to meetings isn’t progress or feminism, it’s just unwise. Judge how you feel and work to that. The world won’t stop if you need another week or two,” Siobhan Freegard.

“Before going to work, get them settled into whatever childcare arrangement you have chosen and have at least a week when your baby is cared for and you are not back at work yet. No child, no work, will become very rare so make the most of it,” Adele Armstrong.  

“Working with a baby is a juggle so accept that from now. The guilt is real but futile so don’t let it destroy you. Lower your expectations, too. Your house is going to be a lot messier and that’s ok,” Vicki Psarias, blogger at

“You will likely feel emotional but that is very normal and certainly does not mean you can’t do your job properly. You may miss the opportunity to cuddle your baby while you’re at work, but just carve out some time at the beginning and the end of each day to relax together. It may feel strange and confusing at first, but you’ve got this,” Joeli Brearley.

Before You Go

Pregnancy worries and words of comfort
I have no morning sickness! Is that bad news?(01 of10)
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You might have read things about how morning sickness signifies a healthy level of pregnancy hormones – but not having morning sickness does not mean you're lacking! Although many women suffer with it (and 'suffer' really is the word), many other women do not. Some women have it one pregnancy, but not in another. Attend all your usual checks and count yourself as one of the lucky ones! (credit:Alamy )
I drank before I knew I was pregnant, I might have harmed the baby(02 of10)
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This happens to many, many expectant mums, and it's unlikely to be a cause for concern at all. Mention it to your GP/midwife, and just keep off the booze now, until you can enjoy a celebratory glass of fizz when your bundle arrives. (credit:Alamy )
I'll lose the baby(03 of10)
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It's estimated about one in five pregnancies ends in early miscarriage, and it's thought most of those occur simply because the foetus wasn't developing properly. It does happen, but don't let it rule your thoughts because the vast majority of pregnancies do succeed. Try not to worry and remember that once you're into the second trimester, the chances of miscarriage is dramatically reduced. (credit:Alamy )
My baby might not be 'perfect'(04 of10)
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It's estimated that one in 16 babies in the UK is born with a birth defect – but this figure refers to all birth defects, and many are mild and can be treated. So it's likely your baby won't have a birth defect, and even if they do, they will be perfect in their own way – remember support is available for every eventuality. Take your folic acid and attend your antenatal screening appointments. (credit:Alamy )
I won't make it to the hospital on time(05 of10)
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You might have read terrifying stories about pregnant women giving birth in car parks and taxis – but these stories make it to the news because they are extraordinary, in the literal sense of the word! It very rarely happens, and most women get plenty of warning that labour is beginning. So plan well, and all is very likely to be fine. (credit:Alamy )
I might have to have a c-section(06 of10)
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If you do end up needing a c-section, you might feel disappointed – but believe us, in the moment the only thing you'll really care about is the safe delivery of your baby. It won't be the end of the world and you won't care a jot when your baby is in your arms. (credit:Alamy )
I won't be able to cope during labour(07 of10)
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There is just no telling how labour will be for you, so don't worry about it now. Make your birth plan, discuss it with your partner and midwife, and go with the flow on the day (it's okay to change your mind!). There will be lots and lots of help and support at your disposal. Not to mention drugs, should you need them. (credit:Alamy )
Labour will humiliating (will I poo on the bed?!)(08 of10)
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You've heard about that then? It can happen, but the doctors and midwives have seen it all – they have experienced every possible scenario. They won't be worrying about things like that, so neither should you. (credit:Alamy )
I don't know how to be a mum(09 of10)
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No-one does until they become one! Every new mum feels like they're winging it in the early days. As your baby grows and you get to know them, you'll learn. Trust in the fact that just about every mother has gone through it… and survived. (credit:Alamy )
I'm worried about gaining all that weight(10 of10)
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You will put on weight, yes – but it's normal and nothing to be afraid of! Much weight gain is actually down to the baby, the placenta, extra blood in your system and the retention of water. Pregnancy changes your body in myriad ways – just enjoy it, and let your body just do its thing at this special time. Remember, there's no need to 'eat for two'… but eat what you need and don't count calories. (credit:Alamy )