Kickstarter Death Star Opposed By Rival Attempt To Fund Open-Source X-Wing Squadron

X-Wing Kickstarter Launched After Death Star Fans Raise £200k

An attempt to fund a real-life X-Wing squadron has been launched online after a project to build a Death Star raised more than £200,000.

The founders of the X-Wing project are looking for a mere $11,000,000 to build the fleet of deadly laser-equipped space ships.

They stand in opposition against a rival group who have already drawn £228,393 in pledges for a real-life Death Star.

The original 'open source' Death Star Kickstarter was itself started in response to the White House's denial of a 35,000-strong petition to build the unimaginably powerful space station on the grounds that it did not support blowing up planets.

"In November 2012 the people asked for a death star. The government said NO! In light of continuing threats we should build it ourselves," the Death Star project's leaders said. are asking for £20 million, as the down payment on an eventual bill of around £542 quadrillion.

They add that their design would include enough chicken wire to stop any attempt to destroy it in the manner achieved by Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars movies.

But their protestations of building the weapon for the common good were not accepted by all, leading to the creation of the open-source Rebel Alliance and their project to build an X-Wing.

They said:

On Feb 5, 2013,, whom we believe to be a subversive tactics unit of the evil Galactic Empire, launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowdsource a Death Star. At first, we laughed.

When we stopped laughing (because it kind of hurt, how hard we were laughing) we realized that it was an ingenious plot by the Empire to use the power of the people against us!

We can't let this new Death Star go unchallenged, so we're raising funds to form a new Rebel Alliance and construct a fleet of proton torpedo armed X-Wing fighters to take down this new Death Star.

So far they have raised just over £100,000 - and add that one of their future updates will include "iPhone and Siri integration".

Both projects remain unfunded as of press time.