Mark Fast S/S 2010: Backstage At London Fashion Week

Mark Fast S/S 2010: Backstage At London Fashion Week

Photo: MyDaily staff

MAKEUP: Mel Arter for MAC

HAIR: Lyndell Mansfield for L'0real

SNAPSHOT: Dishevelled beauty

THE SCOOP: Fast is quickly making a name for himself as one of London's bright young newcomers. This collection focused on super tight-fitting knit dresses - and caused a stir for featuring three plus-size models. "Mark's got a beautiful texture in his clothes and I wanted to continue that in the hair," said Mansfield. "I wanted to make the girls have strong silhouettes with their hair to mimic the body-con dresses he created."

"The inspiration for the makeup is the idea of a girl who's escaped into the desert," Arter told us backstage. She's a little bit dishevelled and wild, but in a beautiful way."

GET THE LOOK MAKEUP: Arter wanted to create a creamy, dewy, slightly weather-beaten complexion. To get this texture on skin, she used MAC Strobe Liquid mixed with moisturiser.

GET THE LOOK HAIR: "Basically, I used as much mousse as possible," Mansfield laughed. With products like L'Oreal's Mousse Volupte and Glam Wave, even the straightest of locks went curly. To recreate the look, diffuse hair upside down then put mousse through every strand of hair. For maximum effect, mousse up hair when dry, so it gets fully saturated. Mansfield also used L'Oreal Fiber Mousse to make hair look dirty and a bit tacky to style a beach look.