Matthew Perry And Jennifer Anniston Made A Windows 95 Instructional Video

WATCH: What Happened When The 'Friends' Made A Windows Instructional Video?

Seventeen years development time means Microsoft's latest operating system (Windows 8) is a vastly different beast than Windows 95. But actually launching a new OS? That's still about as difficult as it was in 1995.

These days when announcing a new product to the world, the company veers from making embarassing video commercials to holding showy PR events. But back in 1995- it was a lot simpler: get Jennifer Anniston and Matthew Perry to do it.

That's right - at the time the two biggest TV stars in the world starred in a terrible (but now strangely endearing) commercial/instructional video for the launch of Bill Gates' monster-selling OS.

And now the full 30-minute clip of the Friends promoting the OS has leaked online - and it makes for entertaining and cringe-making viewing. Clips from the promo have been seen before, but as far as we know this is the first full version to see release online.