@NeedADebitCard: Twitter Account Retweets Users' Credit Card Images

@NeedADebitCard: Twitter Account Retweets Users' Credit Card Images

A Twitter user has set up an account specifically to repost images of users' credit and debit cards.

The account - @NeedADebitCard - has so far retweeted 44 images of credit cards.

Its tagline is "Please quit posting pictures of your debit cards, people|" and it has around 4,700 followers.

All of the images were originally posted by the card's owner.

One user from Texas posted the image to celebrate the NFL decoration she had ordered - "just customized my debit card; so perfect :)'" she said, alongside a full image of her credit card details.

Another posted an image of his debit card cut in half "because I have decided money will not rule my life".

Yet another user celebrate her daughter's birthday by apparently loaning her the credit card, and posting an image of it on Twitter.

"Gave the birthday girl my credit card her for bday, go nuts bbgirl!" she said.