North Korea Might Have Hacked Sony Pictures Because Of That Seth Rogan Film

North Korea Wants Revenge For Seth Rogan's New Film

Sony Pictures Entertainment is now considering the possibility that its catastrophic hacking attack could have originated from North Korea as revenge for its new film with Seth Rogan and James Franco, The Interview.

The film studio is on total lockdown after it appears that what had initially been classed as simply an 'IT issue' has now spiralled into the possible leaking of five major films, two of which haven't even made it to cinemas yet.

Both TorrentFreak and Pirate Bay are reportedly seeing DVD-quality versions of Fury, Mr Turner, Annie, Still Alice and To Write Love On Her Arms.

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On top of that a Reddit post reached prominence after it claimed to show a number of files which contained highly-sensitive information including full copies of actor's passports and sensitive financial information.

The full attack started on the 24 November when Sony Pictures employees were greeted with fully hacked computers that contained a threat stating that unless certain demands were met, huge quantities of confidential data would be spread onto the wider internet.