Student Blog Of The Week: York University Student Hussein Kesvani's 'Unwarranted Self Importance'

Student Blog Of The Week: Hussein Kesvani's 'Unwarranted Self Importance'
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Hussein Kesvani

Age: 21

Education: Final Year undergraduate at the University of York, reading History. Planning to do an NCTJ in London upon graduation, and an MA in Politics at Birkbeck, UoL.

Twitter: @HKesvani

What's your blog all about?

Mostly about politics, though I have also talked about law, philosophy and economics. Though its a hodge-podge of different subjects, the underlining theme is really looking at how 'power' within societies operate.

Describe your blog in three words

Intelligent, informative, introspective

Why did you start your blog?

Honestly, because I wasn't really involved with the 'University Newspaper' clique at the time. I found that despite pitching to uni newspapers, they often took a very long time to get back, and more often than not were very disorganised when it came to publishing. I wanted to be in control over my work, and how it would be distributed. It was ironic that my blog eventually helped me get onto a staff position at my university paper.

How long have you been running it?

Since May 2012. So just under a year.

What makes it different from the rest?

Most politics blogs tend to concentrate on singular topics, without much introspection or consideration. My blog was always going to be about different events, ideas and solutions. I also wanted it to be about 'quality', which was why I emphasised analysis much more than other student blogs I've seen. Whether I've been successful at that is up for debate though.

Who would be your dream guest blogger?

Probably Glenn Greenwald. I've been a big fan of his since I started the blog, and I admire him for his courage and principles.

What was your last blog post about?

It was about Cameron's immigration speech, and how the political class are using immigrants to take the flack for their own policy failings- particularly in relation to social housing.

What's been your "blog highlight"?

My blog on why Gay Marriage won't benefit gay couples is probably my favourite. It recieved over 200 hits, which might not seem like much, but compared to the double digits of the other pieces, its something I'm not complaining about! I'm also quite proud of my iERA blog which also went on the HuffPo- it made me a fair amount of enemies, which I'm taking as a good sign.

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