Will.i.am's Puls Is A Smart Wristband That Can Make Calls

Will.i.am Takes On The Apple Watch

Music producer Will.i.am has unveiled a smart wristband that can make calls, play music and let you browse social media like Facebook and Twitter.

The star has been wearing the device for some time, openly showing it off on shows such as 'The Voice', but has now decided to release a consumer-ready version.

Running a heavily skinned version of Google's Android operating system the Puls is controlled either via touch or through a voice-controlled personal assistant.

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The Puls is more smartphone than watch thanks to a SIM-card reader, built-in speakers and a large battery that's built into the wristband.

At present there are a limited number of apps available for the wristband including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a music player however developers should be able to make apps for the Puls fairly easily thanks to its Android underpinnings.

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Launched through his technology company i.am+ the technology evangelist also announced that the Puls would come with three wearable accessories: a 'smart jacket' that can wirelessly charge the Puls as long as the sleeves are touching the sleeves, a backpack that comes with speakers built-in and a pair of shoes that can track how many steps you've taken.

At the moment the Puls will only be available in the US however Will.i.am says the company hasn't ruled out the possibility of expanding outside of North America.