9 Ways To Change Your Life Through Mindfulness

9 Ways To Change Your Life Through Mindfulness
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Mindfulness and meditation can help sufferers of depression and anxiety to deal with stress.

Learning to activate part of your brain through mindfulness works to counteract cortisol - 'the stress hormone' - that is commonly associated with burnout and other mental health issues.

"Meditation isn't about feeling perky and happy," she said. "It's about feeling shit and sticking with it."

But how can you work mindfulness and meditation into everyday life?

We caught up with Andy Puddicombe, co-founder of ground-breaking meditation app Headspace, who offered his words of wisdom.

9 Ways To Change Your Life
Get some headspace(01 of09)
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When the mind is very busy and constantly lost in thought, it’s difficult to feel at ease and to see things clearly. In these situations life can often feel confusing and stressful. So why not kick-off the week by reaffirming your commitment to learn meditation? (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)
Reassess your perspective(02 of09)
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It’s surprisingly easy to develop an unhealthy attitude towards life. But it’s important to acknowledge that this is simply a habit, built up over time. You’re not obliged to continue feeling this way, and by simply acknowledging how you view life the habit can often begin to unwind. In fact it’s often possible to realign your perspective altogether. Is there a better day to start doing this than today? (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)
Let go of old baggage(03 of09)
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How much of the past are you carrying around on your shoulders? Wouldn’t it be nice to put it all down and move on in life? Living life in the present, being more mindful, means that rather than dwelling on the past or projecting into the future, you are better able to enjoy the here and now. So try putting that old baggage down and see how it feels, whether it's from last year, last month, last week or from just over the weekend. Start this week afresh. (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)
Take time to smell the roses(04 of09)
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Appreciating the little things in life really can make all the difference (like the sun finally making an appearance). Life gets heavy when we spend too much time thinking about what we want and what we haven’t got, rather than being grateful for all the things we have got. So commit to appreciating at least 3 small things each day this week. Write them down in a diary each evening if it helps. (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)
Find a sense of play(05 of09)
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When did life get so serious? Responsibilities, commitments and an over-full diary can easily leave you feeling despondent and in need of a lift. So this week find a way to inject some fun in to your life. Maybe it’s a new hobby, spending time with friends, or even just watching a great comedy. Whatever it is, there’s nothing like laughter to bring some lightness into your life. (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)
Notice life changing in and around you(06 of09)
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When you repeat things over and over in the mind they create what’s known as ‘an habitual pattern of thought’. This can feel very solid, very heavy. In fact if you do it for long enough, then it can be tempting to think that this is a permanent state of affairs. But if you look a little more closely you’ll see that everything and everyone (including yourself) is always changing. This simple observation can bring about a renewed sense of freedom. (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)
Share the love(07 of09)
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How kind are you to others? What about to yourself? Most people report experiencing a lot of critical and judgmental thoughts throughout the day, whether that’s aimed at themselves or those around them. But science has shown that when we inject a little more kindness or compassion into our lives, the part of the brain which is responsible for feelings of happiness becomes a lot more active. So it’s not just the people around you who get to benefit from this approach - you will as well. (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)
Find a middle way(08 of09)
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Extremes can be a lot of fun when applied in small doses, but when life is a never-ending roller-coaster it’s almost impossible to find a genuine sense of lightness. Applying a sense of balance in life doesn’t mean giving up doing the things you love to do, but instead finding a way to live with enough balance and emotional stability that you no longer feel at the mercy of your mind. (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)
Don’t take yourself too seriously(09 of09)
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The very best of way of finding some lightness in life is to simply take yourself a little less seriously. This is a tricky one. It doesn’t mean negating responsibilities or commitments, nor does it mean forgetting your unique, inherent value. What it means is to let things come and go a bit more, finding some ease in life, some laughter (credit:Words: Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace / Image: Getty)

Want more tips on how to make meditation a part of your day? Headspace is meditation made simple, accessible and relevant to your everyday life. Sign up for free to their Take10 programme to get the basics just right with guided audio programmes and support and get your Headspace (hyperlink to www.headspace.com), anytime, anywhere on the Headspace app.