
Michelle Beckett

Founder and CEO of ADHD Action, Mental Health Campaigner, Advocate

Michelle is an advocate and campaigner for ADHD and mental health issues. ADHD Action is a new national charity started by Michelle to raise awareness, fight stigma and lobby for much needed provision changes. Michelle was diagnosed privately early in 2017, after ADHD nearly claimed her life through suicide. The diagnosis and subsequent treatment transformed her life. She has since been appalled at the lack of understanding and support surrounding the condition across all aspects of society, even amongst medical professionals. In the first few weeks of ADHD Action, Michelle lobbied enough MPs to form the first All Party Parliamentary Group to address issues for both adults and children with ADHD, which launched in January 2018, and is already making an impact. Michelle has a background in the not- for-profit sector and is an international speaker, consultant and member of several boards. She lives in Harrogate with her partner, three daughters and two step-daughters.