7 Funny Tweets To End Your Week With A Bit Of Joy

Guaranteed to start the weekend with a giggle.
SaulHerrera via Getty Images

Covid-19 and the US election have dominated the news again this week and Storm Alex is set to drench much of the UK with wind and rain.

We don’t know about you, but we could do with some light relief.

To help us get in the weekend spirit, here are seven tweets that have left us chuckling this week. We hope they bring you the slice of silliness you need.

This job application took an unexpected turn

“I was 10 years old.”

the job hunt is going well pic.twitter.com/jxcAVXjliZ

— sgt balls: nazi hunter (@Barknado69) September 29, 2020

Man tries to guess paint colour

The accuracy is honestly baffling.

main source of joy is this guy who frantically guesses what color the paint is going to be pic.twitter.com/T1dQrTRWIK

— rebecca jennings (@rebexxxxa) September 29, 2020

‘Time Heals Everything’... except, coronavirus

*Sound on*

i am screaming xjsjsjxsj pic.twitter.com/V8KMf35duU

— paulina (@palynathisway) September 29, 2020

Once again, Twitter is the highlight of GBBO

Noel is the art teacher we all wish we’d had.

Noel Fielding as cakes.

A thread.#GBBO pic.twitter.com/Pf2ixpwQVG

— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) September 29, 2020

When the art teacher has lost control of the class so they bring the deputy head down to sort it out #gbbo pic.twitter.com/sH9V15WkTi

— Mark (@Hiphopocrates) September 29, 2020

Mum’s Peppa Pig order goes awry

my kid just unwrapped her new peppa dinner set and I accidentally ordered a french version and now it says groin groin groin all over the plates and cup ffs pic.twitter.com/3IfXzVfjTL

— Maggy (@maggyvaneijk) September 30, 2020

“Why did you want to buy this place?”

To see you do this hand movement – and no other reason. *Sound on*

I couldn't not do it. (i.e. add piano.) https://t.co/zUtnxJGENf pic.twitter.com/rH8EWfi5te

— Rhodri Marsden (@rhodri) September 29, 2020