How To Keep Your Kids Safe When Sharing Back-To-School Photos On Social Media

Everyone’s proud of their children, but there are ways to be proud and sensible at the same time.

It’s back-to-school time, which means everyone’s social feeds briefly turn into an endless series of optimistic-looking children in uniforms they’ll almost certainly grow into one day. It’s inevitable, as much a sign of the end of summer as earlier evenings or houses full of spiders.

But could you be giving too much information away in those pictures? Lots of details could easily sneak in without intending to.

Surrey Police has shared a slight tongue-in-cheek video advising the best way to go about sharing back-to-school images – and it’s really got us thinking.

It’s that exciting time of the year again – kids are starting or going back to school and parents are taking photos of their little ones to celebrate! But remember, take a moment to check your privacy settings before sharing and #KeepThePersonalPersonal

— Surrey Police (@SurreyPolice) September 3, 2019

As well as joking about severe haircuts and ill-fitting uniforms, they suggest obscuring the school badge, ensuring no other children’s faces are visible, making sure your child’s name isn’t displayed in the image, and not taking the picture anywhere that reveals details about where you live.

They also advise checking your privacy settings and making sure you know exactly who can and can’t see your pictures. You can check your settings on Instagram here, Facebook here, and if for some wacky reason you’re sharing pictures of your kid’s first day back at school on LinkedIn, here’s where those settings live.

Everyone’s proud of their children, but there are ways to be proud and sensible at the same time.
