Bana Alabed Tweets About Her New Life In Safety After Leaving War-Torn Aleppo

She was safely evacuated from Aleppo in December.

A seven-year-old girl who tweeted about the horrors of her life in war-torn Aleppo has described her new life in a series of heart-warming tweets.

Bana Alabed and her mother, Fatemah, left the world horrified with descriptions of the death and destruction which had ravaged the Syrian city.

But now safe in Turkey, she said that she “love[s] everything right now”.

She tweeted:

No more bombing.. I have 20 days of peace in my life. I thought the world was just like Aleppo & bombing was normal

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) January 14, 2017

They use to hide from the bombs. We are not hiding anymore. Peace is very new to us & we love everything right now.

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) January 15, 2017

After being safely evacuated from Aleppo in December, Alabed and her family were able to travel to Turkey.

The youngster went on to meet with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his wife, Emine.

Bana and her brother meet Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Bana and her brother meet Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

The Guardian said it was understood that Bana and her family woujld be offered asylum in Turkey.

Bana’s tweets, pictures and videos fascinated and horrified social media users during the siege of Aleppo, with many fearing for her safety during bombing raids.

Tonight we have no house, it's bombed & I got in rubble. I saw deaths and I almost died. - Bana #Aleppo

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) November 27, 2016

Under heavy bombardments now. In between death and life now, please keep praying for us. #Aleppo

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) November 28, 2016

She has received support from the likes of JK Rowling, who sent her a digital copy of one of her books.


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