Tory MSP Gets Trolled With A Starchy Description From Official Scottish Parliament Twitter

"This is a 100% top tier political tweet."
Scottish Conservative MSP Stephen Kerr was the subject of a tuberous graphic on Tuesday
Scottish Conservative MSP Stephen Kerr was the subject of a tuberous graphic on Tuesday
Ken Jack via Getty Images

A Conservative member of the Scottish parliament was very publicly trolled by the official Holyrood Twitter account, and (accidentally) compared to a vegetable...

It all started when Stephen Kerr was going to lead to a members’ business debate focusing on “gene-modification and gene-editing” on Tuesday, after a research institute predicted that gene-editing tech could pump more vitamin C into potatoes.

Unfortunately, this message was not full conveyed in the graphic promoting the debate, which read: “Stephen Kerr: A Potato With More Vitamin C Than a Lemon.”

For the avoidance of doubt @RealStephenKerr has just announced to parliament: “I am NOT a potato” 🥔

— Glenn Campbell (@GlennBBC) November 8, 2022

The MSP for Central Scotland – who used to be the MP for Stirling – was quick to clarify to parliament that he was “not a potato”, and later tweeted: “I’ve been called worse!”

But, Twitter was always going to latch onto this particular graphic, sooner or tater.

And it didn’t take long for the social media platform to jump into action with its own jokes.

Spud Kerr in action

— Iain Dear (@Iain643) November 9, 2022

Brutal but fair

— Cameron Archibald (@MammothWhale) November 8, 2022

But still a potato?

— JOHN NICOLSON M.P. (@MrJohnNicolson) November 9, 2022

My favourite graphic ever

— Emma Penney (@emmapnny) November 9, 2022

The best part of this image is that it had to go through multiple employees at the Scottish Parliament and every one of them went "𝙮𝙚𝙨"

— Cameron Archibald (@MammothWhale) November 8, 2022

A lesson to all.
Be careful when lodging motions, you may have to declare that you are, in fact, not a potato in a debate.

— Gillian Mackay MSP (@GillianMacMSP) November 8, 2022

This is a 100% top tier political tweet.

— oneoneoneone (@oneoneoneone) November 8, 2022

A brutal assessment by the Scottish Parliament there as Mr Kerr is far much more than a potato. 😜😜

— George Adam (@GeorgeAdam) November 8, 2022

You either die a hero or you live long enough to have an infographic suggest you’re a potato with more vitamin C than a lemon.

— Andy Harrow (@andyharrow) November 8, 2022

*TeaSnort* Whoever chose this thumbnail deserves a 1000% raise 🤣

— fiona (@fiona_wyse) November 8, 2022

The @ScotParl account won Twitter yesterday.

— Jim Boylan (@Wiznyme1) November 9, 2022

Oh, jeezo, it's REAL. I genuinely thought this was a mock up. Oh, well played @ScotParl

— Mrs K (@one_mrs_k) November 8, 2022

Kudos to whoever is responsible. This is award territory. Just hilarious.

— Frazer (@sustscot) November 9, 2022

It then kicked off a Twitter thread of politicians’ names as vegetables puns, started by Times Radio’s Matt Chorley.

People replied called former cabinet minister Jacob Rees Mogg ‘Jacob Peas Mogg’, current prime minister Rishi Sunak ‘Radishi Sunak’, and Scotland’s deputy first minister John Swinney ‘John Swedey’.

It also comes after Sunak’s predecessor, Liz Truss, was famously paired with a lettuce. The Economist claimed the number of days she was in office without turmoil were numbered at just seven – the same length of time as a lettuce’s shelf life.

Then, the Daily Star newspaper set up a live cam to see who would last longer, the vegetable or Truss.

She resigned a week after the YouTube footage was set up, meaning many joked the lettuce was the winner.


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