Liz Truss Leaves While The Lettuce Romaines

"When a lettuce outlasts a Prime Minister, we have truly reached the endive days."
Liz Truss's time in office has been outlasted by a lettuce
Liz Truss's time in office has been outlasted by a lettuce

Liz Truss’s premiership has been outlasted by a lettuce.

This is one of the main stories being discussed on social media shortly after the prime minister announced her resignation following just 44 days in office.

Officially the prime minister with the shortest time in No.10 for the entirety of the UK’s history, Truss’s resignation came after a pretty tumultuous time in politics.

The comparisons to lettuce began after The Economist wrote an absolutely scathing editorial about her premiership where – once the national mourning period concluded – it found Truss had only had seven days of calm government.

In the column shared on October 13, it dubbed Truss “the Iceberg Lady” – a twist on the previous PM, Margaret Thatcher, who was known as the Iron Lady.

It also pointed out: “However long she now lasts in office, she is set to be remembered as the prime minister whose grip on power was the shortest in British political history.

“Ms Truss entered Downing Street on September 6th.

“She blew up her own government with a package of unfunded tax cuts and energy-price guarantees on September 23rd.

“Take away the ten days of mourning after the death of the Queen, and she had seven days in control. That is the shelf-life of a lettuce.”

Then, the Daily Star set up a live action cam on YouTube with a real (60p) lettuce next to a picture of Truss to see which would last longer.

The cam was actually set up last Tuesday, rather than at the start of the Truss’s stint in office, but it quickly drew crowds.

Even Labour MP Chris Bryant had joked earlier this week that “the lettuce may as well be running this country”. The Washington Post wrote about the comparison, pointing out both Truss and the vegetable “have an expiration date”.

People can’t believe that the fourth Tory prime minister in six years could not even stretch her premiership a week longer than a vegetable’s entire shelf life.

As The Daily Star tweeted: “Tragic Truss lost the race to see if she could outlast our 60p iceberg as she finally gave up on her attempt to cling to power after days of chaos at Westminster.”

It added that this was all “unbeleafable”.

She becomes the shortest-serving Prime Minister in British history after just 44 days in office - unbeleafable!

— Daily Star (@dailystar) October 20, 2022

For many people, it’s the highlight of the entire news cycle.

flatmate has just asked me whether i think the lettuce voted leaf or romaine in the brexit referendum and im frankly furious at how funny i found it

— Ben Smoke (@bencsmoke) October 20, 2022

the lettuce

— James Felton (@JimMFelton) October 20, 2022

None of this would've happened under the lettuce.

— Mark (@worgztheowl) October 19, 2022

Sorry but no way I would’ve resigned before the Daily Star lettuce expired if I was Liz Truss. I’ll be damned if I get shown up by a vegetable in a wig!

— Jason Okundaye (@jasebyjason) October 20, 2022

The lettuce now has disco lights on the live stream and is celebrating.

— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) October 20, 2022

Well. Congratulations to the Lettuce who displayed commendable endurance to win out.

— Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦 (@chrischirp) October 20, 2022

Holy shit the lettuce won.

— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) October 20, 2022

The lettuce has won

— Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) October 20, 2022

When a lettuce outlasts a Prime Minister, we have truly reached the endive days

— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) October 20, 2022

It also comes after the internet mocked Suella Braverman, the home secretary who was fired this week.

She took aim at the “tofu-eating wokerati” protesters who are striking up and down the country in a bizarre monologue in the Commons on Tuesday. When the cabinet minister resigned the next day, everybody quipped that she just wasn’t “tofu” enough for the job.


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