Man Surprised His Parents With Pregnancy Announcement One Day Before His Wife Gave Birth

'I was just completely floored.'

A man decided to keep his wife’s pregnancy a secret from his parents, until they visited, a day before the baby was born.

Tannin Pease and his wife Katie, who already have two children, had experienced two miscarriages so didn’t want to share the pregnancy news too soon.

Seeing as Pease’s parents lived far away from them, they decided to keep the secret going a bit longer and surprise them with an announcement later on.

“We had already been through two miscarriages where we told people we were pregnant and then we had to tell them we weren’t anymore,” Katie Pease told ABC News.

The couple filmed the moment Tannin’s parents walked into the door and saw his wife’s bump.


Tannin’s mum was initially distracted by saying hello to her other grandchildren, so he had to prompt her by saying they had a surprise.

At that point Katie walked in, much to the grandmother’s shock.

Cue her gasping, laughing and screaming as she went over to hug her daughter-in-law.


Tannin shared the video on Facebook on 20 February and it was viewed nearly 50,000 times in just over a week.

The couple’s son, Saul, was born just one day after the surprise announcement.

“A lot of people, they were wondering how on earth we did it,” Katie said. “But it just worked out, I guess.

“People eventually saw us and a couple of pregnancy photos and a picture of the baby and were like, ‘You really did it!’”
