Daily Express Claims Jeremy Corbyn General Election Win Will Ruin Dating In UK

'We've found it. The stupidest anti-Corbyn story of the election.'

The Daily Express has continued it’s negative coverage of Jeremy Corbyn with a startling revelation about the damage he could inflict on our love lives.

We've found it. The stupidest anti-Corbyn story of the election https://t.co/wS3eWEDcAn

— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) May 27, 2017

According to the paper if the Labour leader becomes PM in next month’s General Election it would “be likely to spell disaster for those looking for love online”.

Quoting eHarmony CEO, Grant Langston, it argues that in times of uncertainty people “have a habit of withdrawing, and spending time with family and friends”, leading to a drop in online dating searches.

Langston said: “If it ends up that (Theresa May) remains Prime Minster I think there will be no effect.

“We’re already on the horse, I think if it goes another direction now you’ll have more confusion.”

@IanDunt @MadsDavies The most obnoxious thing about the Express story is that it's actually *May* who will keep ever more couples apart via immigration policy.

— Steve Peers (@StevePeers) May 27, 2017

But Langston argued exactly the opposite in an article in the BBC about the effects of Donald Trump’s election win.

In the piece written in February, he said: “November is usually a pretty low season, and we saw a tremendous spike in usage after the November 8 election.

“When 9/11 happened we saw a similar change in people. When times get unpredictable, they just want to be with someone.”

@IanDunt @MadsDavies I think this is from the "make up a silly story and if the papers bite we get free advertising" school of PR. Of course Express fell for it.

— Steve Peers (@StevePeers) May 27, 2017

Adding to the confusion in the article is the Express’s context for its argument.

It says:

And Grant’s views are not just vague speculation.

There are stats that reveal quite plainly the effect the political uncertainty has on Brits reaching out online to find a partner.

Immediately after Brexit communications on eHarmony decreased by a whopping 18 per cent, which Grant believes is down to lack of optimism stifling people’s hopes for love.

So while the Express appears worried about Corbyn’s effect on your dating life it spent all of last year passionately backing a referendum which apparently cut dating in the UK by nearly a fifth.

eHarmony has been contacted for comment.


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