Daily Mail Front Page About Theresa May And Nicola Sturgeon's Legs Prompts Some Excellent Trolling

'Rate my legs!'

As the nation collectively rubbed its eyes and struggled to figure out what century we’d woken up in thanks to Tuesday’s Daily Mail headline, some people used their disapproval to carry out some top-notch trolling of the newspaper.

The “newspaper of the year” was condemned on social media after featuring Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon on its front page next to the headline: “Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it!”.

DAILY MAIL: Blueprint to save the NHS #tomorrowspaperstoday pic.twitter.com/rZMzhP8dQ5

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) March 27, 2017

A second edition of the paper featured a slightly toned-down version of the story, saying it was columnist Sarah Vine’s “light-hearted verdict on the big showdown”.

The second edition's altered front page
The second edition's altered front page

The front page referred to a meeting in Glasgow between the prime minister and the Scottish first minister.

The pair held a tense head-to-head where the PM refused to give ground on the Sturgeon’s demand for a second independence referendum.

The newspaper’s coverage prompted widespread outcry - but many translated their irritation into instead mocking the Mail.

Social media users began to post pictures of their own limbs, with some even asking the paper to rate them.


Hey @DailyMailUK, want to rate my legs also?

One voted leave due to Bone Cancer. pic.twitter.com/Mhx6q83xZ2

— Monotonous Material (@MonotoMateri) March 28, 2017

Hi guys, just wondering if you could rate my legs??? Let me know what you think. @DailyMailUK #legsit pic.twitter.com/mPcbSvlAHg

— Emily Slee (@emsleee) March 28, 2017

#legsit I wonder how the Daily Mail would rate my legs? pic.twitter.com/YW0AlzJF0U

— Steven L. Croucher (@slcroucher) March 28, 2017

I feel much more positive about outcome of Brexit negotiations now I've seen chief EU negotiator's legs. Far inferior to May's. #legsit pic.twitter.com/NvQ1oZ8Zpf

— David Schneider (@davidschneider) March 28, 2017

These are my legs. They are badly shaved and rather short.

This is a public information tweet for people surprised that women have legs. pic.twitter.com/FOOJz3WUo7

— Susan Calman (@SusanCalman) March 28, 2017

Busy in the bath negotiating one of the most important decisions in British history. Sarah Vine this ones for you. #legsit #brexit pic.twitter.com/8DHnbK9A1D

— M.J.Hucknall (@mjhucknall) March 28, 2017

I reckon my legs would make a better leader than unelected Tory tyrant Teresa May. #legsit pic.twitter.com/F36kmvFKmA

— VeganLaptopLunchboxⓋ (@VeganNeil) March 28, 2017

I can't get to my desk to work. Damned legs, they're seducing all over the place I just can't control them teehee! #dailymail pic.twitter.com/OYmlj5CTtc

— Ren 🇪🇺 (@JayGoo) March 28, 2017

Some also suggested some other things the Mail might be keen on featuring...

Someone fixed the #DailyMail's front page for tomorrow. Priceless. #Brexit #Legsit cc: @EverydaySexism pic.twitter.com/wmBqjWOySm

— Terri Paddock (@TerriPaddock) March 27, 2017

Nice cocks? #legsit pic.twitter.com/bElb4rrZuy

— Lucy Powell MP (@LucyMPowell) March 27, 2017

The Mail’s editor, Paul Dacre, also had his Wikipedia page hijacked in response to the front page.

The modified entry described Dacre as “an English Caveman editing British hate promoting paper the Daily Mail”.

Excellent Wiki trolling of Paul Dacre this morning in response to @DailyMailUK's depressing #legsit headline. pic.twitter.com/MqU04Iuecy

— Tom McKenzie (@TomMcKCharity) March 28, 2017

The Mail splash prompted condemnation from MPs - including Jeremy Corbyn, Harriet Harman, Yvette Cooper, Ed Miliband - as well a a slew of others.


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