Daily Telegraph's 'Brexit Mutineers' Front Page Slammed By Tory MPs

'And so the bullying begins'.

The Daily Telegraph has prompted a backlash among senior Tories after it dubbed some Conservative MPs “Brexit mutineers” in a dramatic front page splash.

The paper reports at least 15 rebels - including father of the house Ken Clarke, former ministers Nicky Morgan and Anna Soubry, ex-Attorney General Dominic Grieve and select committee chairs Tom Tugendhat and Sarah Wollaston - are preparing to vote against a government amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill which would see the UK’s Brexit date enshrined in law.

The move casts fresh doubt on the government’s ability to emerge from bill’s Committee stage unscathed.

Wednesday’s Daily TELEGRAPH: “The Brexit mutineers” #bbcpapers #tomorrowspaperstoday pic.twitter.com/QfWNdIHFPW

— Allie Hodgkins-Brown (@AllieHBNews) November 14, 2017

Ardent Remain campaigner Soubry branded the article - raised by Labour’s Wes Streeting during a debate on the bill on Tuesday evening - “a blatant piece of bullying” as the article was raised in the House of Commons while MPs were debating.

But the Broxtowe MP said she was not personally bothered and regarded being named as a mutineer as “a badge of honour”.

“We want a good Brexit, not a hard, ideologically driven Brexit,” she tweeted shortly afterwards, claiming some of her colleagues were “outraged” at having been left off the list.

Former education minister Morgan added: “I thought we wanted a culture of respect.”

The bullying begins. We want a good Brexit not a Hard ideologically driven Brexit #standupfordemocracy pic.twitter.com/VVfg8LmCiA

— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) November 14, 2017

A number of Tory MPs outraged they’ve been left off! https://t.co/Bvvp2I4qjm

— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) November 14, 2017

I thought we wanted a culture of respect https://t.co/f0Zww4n170

— Nicky Morgan MP (@NickyMorgan01) November 14, 2017

Just cos my photos bigger than yours ?! https://t.co/95pJbj4kZ5

— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) November 14, 2017

Another ‘mutineer’, MP Heidi Allen, urged the newspaper to ‘bring it on’.

If fighting for the best possible future for our country and our government is considered mutiny - then bring it on. pic.twitter.com/fTvOXqwhF5

— Heidi Allen (@heidiallen75) November 14, 2017

And Totnes MP Sarah Wollaston tweeted that ‘raising questions’ about a fixed date for Brexit was simply part of her job.

On further #mutineer news, I have accepted that Britain is leaving the EU but setting a fixed date in law at this stage seems unnecessary, premature & may have unintended consequences. Raising questions about this is my job as an MP

— Sarah Wollaston (@sarahwollaston) November 15, 2017

Even current Brexit minister Steve Baker, a long-standing campaigner for Leave who had been making the Government’s case in the House of Commons, dismissed the Telegraph story as “media attempts to divide” the Conservative Party.

Theresa May sought to distance herself from it during Prime Ministers’ Questions on Wednesday.

She told the Commons: “There is of course a lively debate going on in this place...and there are strong views held on different sides of the argument, on both sides of this House.

“What we are doing is listening to the contributions being made, we are listening carefully to those who wish to improve the bill and I hope we can all come together.”

I regret any media attempts to divide our party. My Parliamentary colleagues have sincere suggestions to improve the Bill which we are working through and I respect them for that. https://t.co/t6r4ojKPbd

— Steve Baker MP (@SteveBakerHW) November 14, 2017

And another Conservative minister, Alistair Burt, added the Telegraph appeared “small”.

Fabulous collection of some of the best MPs in the country. How small the Telegraph appears in comparison. https://t.co/3bl2Llyc44

— Alistair Burt (@AlistairBurtUK) November 14, 2017

Brexit secretary David Davis announced the amendment, aimed at setting in stone the UK’s March 29, 2019 exit date from the EU, last week.

He claimed it showed the government had “listened to members of the public and Parliament” who were concerned at its ambiguity.

He added: ”[We have] made this change to remove any confusion or concern about what ‘exit day’ means.

“This important step demonstrates our pragmatic approach to this vital piece of legislation. Where MPs can improve the bill, whatever their party, we will work with them.”

The Telegraph is doubtless hoping they get bullied, but many of us are glad to have this useful guide to who put country before party. pic.twitter.com/n7FrOhtZiy

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 15, 2017

But during Tuesday’s debate on the Bill, Tory stalwart and former chancellor Ken Clarke dismissed the amendment as “silly”, which won him applause from the Labour benches.

The government amendment will not be voted on until Day 7 of the scheduled debates. It has prompted fears that MPs named in the article - and their staff - will have to up their security in the meantime to guard against a potential backlash from angry Brexit supporters.

One senior Tory source told HuffPost UK: “It’s appalling. And people wonder why MPs need protection and security.”

Social media reacted to the Telegraph’s front page with a mixture of outrage and bafflement.

Well here’s one Brexit supporter that won’t be buying the Telegraph tomorrow. Puerile and pathetic front page. https://t.co/sYF1herZnc

— Iain Dale (@IainDale) November 15, 2017

“We want to bring back parliamentary sovereignty!”
“No, not like that!” pic.twitter.com/ojM7UPLFzr

— Mollie Goodfellow 🤶🏻 (@hansmollman) November 14, 2017

Scrutiny = mutiny pic.twitter.com/XsRwxmCidW

— Matthew O'Toole (@MatthewOToole2) November 14, 2017

For a paper that's banged the drum for sovereignty this is strange way to show your support for Parliamentary democracy. pic.twitter.com/D75t13scgw

— Sam Freedman (@Samfr) November 14, 2017

AKA 'Just some of the very many MPs, who might actually be working on your behalf, to limit the damage that foolhardy gung-ho, lunatics like John Redwood want to wreak...' #Brexit pic.twitter.com/SFx3qsnRd3

— Rt Hon Sir Peter Mannion KCB MP (@PeterMannionMP) November 14, 2017

I mean the issue with this splash is that the new MPs' portraits look so friendly that this feels like the start of a new sitcom. pic.twitter.com/oXBH30YL5D

— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) November 14, 2017

An appalling frontcover. Some sections of UK press have totally lost the plot over Brexit... https://t.co/5WjiaBXEBI

— Leo Hickman (@LeoHickman) November 14, 2017

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