David Davis Is 'Thick As Mince' Says Vote Leave Campaign Chief Dominic Cummings

Another Twitter rant from the Brexit brains.

Brexit Secretary David Davis is “thick as mince” and “lazy as a toad”, according to the brains behind the Vote Leave campaign.

Dominic Cummings launched the astonishing attack on the Brexit Secretary just hours after Davis returned from crucial talks in Brussels.

Cummings, the campaign director of Vote Leave, also claimed Theresa May “does not understand” the Brexit Bill unveiled last week, and it has a clause allowing the Government to drop everything in it if the EU demands it.

Here is the latest attack on the Government from Cummings:

Possible that almost no MPs understand the crucial Repeal Bill clauses on implementing the agreement...

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

Also v likely the Cabinet has not been briefed on what they mean & May does not understand them either

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

There is a huge Henry VIII type clause allowing Govt to ditch almost entire Bill via final agreement with EU

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

This also affects negotiations cos EU side will know the Govt hands are not bound by the Bill & can be arm twisted up to last second

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

if anybody has written about this pls tweet link to me. i haven't read bill but have had email from specialist lawyer

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

Clause 9 Implementing the withdrawal agreement: ie Govt is empowered to ditch almost anything they promise up to last minute when arms twist

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

Clause 9 makes the Heywood/DD/Hammond EEA 'transition' plan much easier to implement practically

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

We know from Forsyth piece in Spec that DD's mob openly selling him as De Gaulle on Algeria, the guy to manage the sell-out

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

Remember Mitchell repositioned (fatally) DD in 05 as pro-EU viz the ludicrous EPP issue

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

DD is manufactured exactly to specification as the perfect stooge for Heywood: thick as mince, lazy as a toad, & vain as Narcissus

— odysseanproject (@odysseanproject) July 17, 2017

Despite both campaigning for Brexit, Davis did not have significant role in the official Vote Leave campaign during the referendum.

The now-Brexit Secretary - who at the time was a backbencher - spoke at a number of Grassroots Out events, the alternative Brexit campaign endorsed by Ukip leader Nigel Farage.


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