Donald Trump Told He Is 'Well Below Par' By Greenpeace Activist In Fly-Over Protest Being Investigated By Police

'It is a criminal offence to fly within the airspace restriction zone.'

Police are investigating after a Greenpeace protester used a powered parachute to let Donald Trump know exactly what they thought of his performance as US president.

Dragging a sign reading, ‘Trump well below par #resist’, the protester flew over Trump’s five-star Turnberry resort where the American leader and his wife Melania are spending the weekend.

Despite extensive efforts to keep demonstrators away from Trump, footage of the fly-over appears to show the billionaire being ushered inside on Friday evening as the pilot entered the no-fly zone.

How do you deliver a message to someone who doesn't want to listen? #Resist #StopTrump

— Greenpeace UK (@GreenpeaceUK) July 13, 2018

We’ve just delivered a message to @RealDonaldTrump as he was standing outside his hotel in Turnberry watching. #Resist #StopTrump

— Greenpeace UK (@GreenpeaceUK) July 13, 2018

Environmental campaign group Greenpeace shared a video of the incident, captioning it: “Watch as @realDonaldTrump tries to hide from our message flying right over his head.”

Police Scotland confirmed on Twitter that they are aware of the incident and are investigating as it is a “criminal offence to fly within the airspace restriction zone”.

ACC Mark Williams: "We are aware a powered parachute was flown in close proximity of the Turnberry Hotel earlier this evening. It is a criminal offence to fly within the airspace restriction zone and officers are carrying out enquiries to trace the pilot."

— Police Scotland (@policescotland) July 13, 2018

Greenpeace said officers at the perimeter were informed of the “fly-past” before it happened.

The group also called the police’s Air Accident and Incident Adviser 10 minutes beforehand and alerted Prestwick air traffic control by telephone, a spokesperson said.

Ben Stewart, from the campaign group, said: “Theresa May should not have dignified Trump with a visit to the UK. The vast majority of British people are appalled by his words and deeds. He is, simply, the worst president ever. That’s why we flew over him with a message branding him well below par.”

The Greenpeace protester flies a microlight
The Greenpeace protester flies a microlight

Trump on Friday flew on Air Force One to Glasgow Prestwick Airport in Scotland for a two-day private stay at his golf resort where protests are expected to continue today.

Thousands of people are also expected in Edinburgh for a Carnival of Resistance in the Meadows area of the capital.

Campaigners will also gather outside the Trump International Golf Links in Balmedie, Aberdeenshire.


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