Donald Trump's US Presidential Election Win Sees Hundreds Of Anti-Racism Protesters Gather Outside American Embassy

'The danger now is racists across the globe feel emboldened.'

Hundreds of anti-racism protesters gathered outside the US embassy in London on Wednesday night following Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election.

People begen gathering in Mayfair’s Grosvenor Square from 6pm. More than a thousand people said they were interested in attending on the event’s Facebook page.

Massive anti-racism protest outside US Embassy in London #dumpthetrump #election #America #tolerance #solidarity

— George Weeks (@GeorgeWeeks2014) November 9, 2016

200-300 protestors outside US Embassy - London- decrying what they call #Trump's "racist campaign" @ BBCLondon

— SangitaMyska (@SangitaMyska) November 9, 2016

Anti-trump rally in front of the US embassy in london

— Manola Secaira (@mmsecaira) November 9, 2016

At the Donald Trump protest outside the London US Embassy

— Ikran (@ikrandahir) November 9, 2016

Protestors outside the US embassy in London express their feelings for Trump and what he stands for.

— Louise Schwartzkoff (@LouSchwartzkoff) November 9, 2016

Several hundred people holding signs saying “no to racism. No To Trump”, and “refugees welcome”.

Stand Up To Racism, the group organising the rally, said it was prompted by a number of incidents which have seen the Republican accused of fear-mongering and racism, including his comments on Mexican people, condoning the beating of a Black Lives Matter activist and criticising the mother of a Muslim US Army soldier who was killed in Iraq.

The protest will take place outside the US Embassy in London
The protest will take place outside the US Embassy in London

Sabby Dhalu, a co-convenor at Stand up to Racism, said: “Donald Trump used the oldest trick in the book - he stirred up fear and racism in the context of a stagnant economy and the resulting fall in living standards - to mobilise a vote for him.

“Racism and sexism have been the hallmarks of Trump’s campaign. Trump failed to disavow the Klu Klux Klan after it pledged support for him.

“The danger now is racists across the globe feel emboldened by Donald Trump’s victory, and racism and sexism become normalised through the most powerful figure in the world.

“We call on anti-racists and all progressives to join us tonight outside the US embassy.”

Donald Trump has repeatedly been accused of racism
Donald Trump has repeatedly been accused of racism
John Locher/AP

Weyman Bennett, also a Stand up to Racism co-convenor, said: “It’s vital that all black and white people come together and oppose the politics of racism and division that Donald Trump represents.

“We must stand in the traditions of the Civil Right movement and begin the anti-racist fight back. In Britain a new anti-racist movement is born.”

In his victory speech, Trump pledged to work for the “forgotten” people of America.

He said: “I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important for me.

“For those who have chosen not to support me, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together to unify our great country.

“The forgotten people of our country will be forgotten no more.”


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