#EdBallsDay: How Ed Balls Day Tweet Became British Political Legend

There's a special significance this year.

Five years ago today, a tiny and unintentional communication set in motion a cascade of events that would transform British politics forever.

No one can be quite certain of the circumstances behind Ed Balls Day, but legend has it it all began in the Castleford branch of Asda.

The story goes that then-Labour MP, Ed Balls, was shopping for a 12-hour pulled pork when he accidentally tweeted his name instead of searching for it while looking for a story written about him.

Ed Balls

— Ed Balls (@edballs) April 28, 2011

I think we all know what @edballsmp just did...

— Matthew Sweet (@DrMatthewSweet) August 31, 2012

@edballsmp you've tweeted your own name there.

— Alan White (@aljwhite) April 28, 2015

Oblivious to the fact a tweet can be deleted and embarrassment avoided, Balls returned home and indulged in some familiar pastimes in the hope his error would soon be forgotten.


Alas, it was too late.

The tweet went viral.

His work life suffered and the once genuine warmth that radiated from his continually-red face became less and less sincere.


The public reaction escalated.

Sorry... But this is getting really weird.. RT @FelicityMorse: Ed Balls makes it onto a train sign pic.twitter.com/4uTwixFfXL

— Ed Balls (@edballs) April 12, 2013

Dark thoughts crossed Balls' mind as his shame grew.


He tried to forget about it the only way he knew how.

He considered revenge...

Matt Cardy via Getty Images

... until the realisation dawned on him that he and he alone was responsible.

This epiphany brought him a measure of inner peace not felt since he walked through the doors of Castleford Asda all those months before.

Ian Forsyth via Getty Images

He decided to take charge of the situation and after two long years acceptance finally came.

Ok, ok.. Because it would be rude not to..! RT @edballsmp: Ed Balls

— Ed Balls (@edballs) April 28, 2013

He received the support of his family.

RT @edballsmp: Ed Balls

— Yvette Cooper (@YvetteCooperMP) April 28, 2013

He received the support of his party.

Ed Balls Day Live: All the latest news and reaction as Labour MP becomes Twitter sensation http://t.co/XPOrPScjiS via @DailyMirror

— Diane Abbott MP (@HackneyAbbott) April 28, 2013

But what meant the most to Ed was that he received the support of the public... for a while, at least.

This must qualify as one of the weirdest things that had ever happened to a politician @edballsmp . But cometh the hour..

— Jessica Elgot (@jessicaelgot) April 28, 2013

@edballsmp I think you just broke the internet.

— Chris Terry (@CJTerry) April 28, 2013

Ed was over the moon.

Crazy as it is, I hope you all have a fabulous day - I'm off out now for a long Sunday walk...

— Ed Balls (@edballs) April 28, 2013
Lewis Whyld/PA Archive

But wait! More would be in store for the hero of our yarn!

Over the next few years the legend of Ed Balls Day spawned an entire franchise.

There was the movie.

I missed this gem on Ed Balls day itself, but belatedly I present: Ed Balls, The Movie pic.twitter.com/9u73zYxEpg

— Jess Bowie (@jessbowie) May 15, 2014

The album.

Happy #EdBallsDay pic.twitter.com/CkwT8Ddtem

— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) April 28, 2015

Not to mention the extensive marketing campaign.

Morning all and Happy Ed Balls Day. Just spotted this at Balham. #EdBallsDay pic.twitter.com/rN6Rm5fiQN

— Andy Lang (@HRH_Duke_of_Url) April 28, 2015

An Ed Balls autograph became one of the most sought-after signatures in the world.

Thanks @edballsmp for a cracking prize at our auction tonight! Tickets still available here: https://t.co/TjcR2qvilQ pic.twitter.com/fQGaTCf6p2

— Labour Students (@LabourStudents) February 12, 2015

The Norwich-born Balls had become a global phenomenon.

Our American cousins commemorate #EdBallsDay pic.twitter.com/RoxczljXQc

— Michele Paule (@michele_paule) April 28, 2015

Worryingly, Ed himself couldn't quite take it all in and walked around in a constant state of bemusement only able to utter two fateful words, even in interviews.

Which in hindsight probably explained this.

The world reeled in horror that night. Even his opponents were left completely shell-shocked.


Which is why this, the fifth anniversary of the first Ed Balls Day, is the most important of all.

He may no longer be an elected representative of the people, but what he started - albeit unintentionally - is now bigger than the man himself.

Yes, the corporations have jumped on the bandwagon.

#EdBallsDay has become so commercialised. Shame really. pic.twitter.com/TT6qR7uzcU

— Carousel Lights (@Carousel_Lights) April 28, 2015

And yes, the PC Brigade have managed to encroach on our fun.

Our local council is apparently re-naming #EdBallsDay 'Shadow Chancellor-Fest' to avoid offending people who aren't Ed Balls. PC gone mad.

— Stephen Graham (@PlopGazette) April 28, 2015

But we still have our traditions and it is our traditions that make Britain, Great Britain!

Found this in my sock, and the pie has gone. #EdBallsDay pic.twitter.com/mmIamWpC1d

— Rick Burin (@rickburin) April 28, 2015

He's BEEN!!!
Best #EdBallsDay EVER. pic.twitter.com/iqYYsqtluy

— Alison B (@akbea) April 28, 2015

For me, Ed Balls Day is about spending time with family. Doesn't matter if you actually believe in Him or not. #EdBallsDay

— Gary Panton (@GaryPanton) April 28, 2015

This is the Ed Balls Day where we show that though he may be gone from the public eye, his ham-fisted approach to keyboards shall live on.

For if we can do this than there is no stopping how far Ed Balls can change the very fabric of the British holidays we care for so dearly.

Stefan Rousseau/PA Archive

Happy Ed Balls Day everyone x


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