EU Referendum Results Prompt Tragically Funny Tweets

At least we still have our humour.

I put together a quick infographic summarizing the demographics of the Brexit vote by age.

— Kieran Healy (@kjhealy) June 24, 2016

Live scenes from the channel tunnel...#Brexit

— David Delahunty (@Delahuntagram) June 24, 2016

Emotions are running rather high.

I would classify this as a nightmare.

— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) June 24, 2016

But it could be worse.

If you're ever having a bad day at work remember you're not David Cameron and you didn't unintentionally lead the UK out of the EU.

— Jamie Ross (@JamieRoss7) June 24, 2016

Just in case though, it's best we all take a few precautions.

Somebody make sure all the Archdukes are accounted for and safe.

— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) June 24, 2016

And have a long hard look at how we got here.


— Bored Elon Musk (@BoredElonMusk) June 24, 2016

finding out we've left the eu #EURefResults

— premium vodka (@arthurkorobov) June 24, 2016

Well done England and Wales for rejecting the 'establishment elite' in favour of these guys #EURefResults

— Jason Spacey (@Jason_Spacey) June 24, 2016

Let's get up to speed.

If you're just joining us this morning:
- #Leave has won
- the pound is at its lowest since 1985
- Donald Trump is due to land in the UK

— Ryan Nelson (@RyanJohnNelson) June 24, 2016

It's fine. I mean, history is full of examples where rampant nationalism and economic hardship produce some of humanity's shining moments.

— Ryan Nelson (@RyanJohnNelson) June 24, 2016

There might be some economic consequences.

We ran out of paper towels. Guess we can just use these. #Brexit

— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) June 24, 2016

*goes to shop for milk and bread*

"That will be £179.28 mate"#EURefResults

— JULY18TH (@MY57R0) June 24, 2016

Nipped to the shop for some breakfast. And so it begins. #EUrefResults

— Marc Iles (@MarcIles) June 24, 2016

If you work in finance you're in for a busy day.

Currency traders worldwide right now.

— David Feith (@DavidFeith) June 24, 2016

But don't lose hope, there's always options.

#EURefResults hey @canada when I'm a fully qualified chartered accountant will I be able to emigrate? I want off this sinking ship

— Samuel Street (@SamuelStreet7) June 24, 2016

Can I emigrate? Any country want a 50 year old woman of moderate talent. Range of out of date skills on offer. Offers? #EURefResults

— Denise Myers (@Denise_Foth) June 24, 2016

Holy shit. What have we gone and done. See you Cameron. Time to emigrate to Greece. #EUref #EURefResults

— PromoJase (@PromoJase) June 24, 2016

Enjoy your day...


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